The Autism Association (Singapore) is one of the Social Service Agencies in Singapore, dedicated to supporting and serving individuals on the autism spectrum to maximise their potential, helping them lead meaningful and quality lives in society.

Mission Statement
To initiate, organise and support provision of a broad spectrum of services for people with autism in Singapore.
Such services to encompass education, vocational and life skills training and residential care.
- To identify, promote and encourage the treatment, education, welfare and acceptance of persons on the autism spectrum. Also to watch over, protect and act in the interests of persons on the autism spectrum and autistic-like features.
- To stimulate public awareness and understanding of autism, and to promote community involvement and support for persons on the autism spectrum and their families.
- To familiarise and advise the community of the special skills, services as well as understanding necessary for the care and management of persons on the autism spectrum so as to assist such persons to develop their full potential.
- To encourage, promote and facilitate research into the causes, diagnosis and treatment of autism and associated conditions.
- To do such other things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them, the Association may:
- provide assistance and advice for families of persons on the autism spectrum.
- provide and maintain suitable premises and equipment for the purposes of the Association. To encourage and promote establishment and improvement of day activity and residential centres and other facilities for the training, development and support of people on the autism spectrum.
- provide publications, courses and other facilities for imparting of knowledge and exchange of ideas in respect of autism.
- liaise with government departments and other organizations, agencies, professionals and other persons within the country and outside, interested in having expert knowledge in the welfare of persons on the autism spectrum.
- safe-keep the income and property of the Association whenever derived, for sole application towards the promotion of the objects of the Association and ensure that no portion thereof shall be transferred directly or indirectly by way of profit to members.
Our Core Values
- Character
- Competence
- Compassion
- Conviction
- Contribution